Wednesday, April 12, 2023


A type of siding known as wooden shingle siding is constructed from tiny, thin pieces of wood that are arranged in an overlapping pattern. Due to its durability and rustic appearance, it is frequently applied to buildings and homes.

You will need a few basic tools to remove shingle marks from wooden shingle siding:

  1. Soft-bristled brush
  2. Garden hose or pressure washer
  3. Bucket
  4. Mild detergent
  5. Water

Here are the steps to clean shingle marks off wooden shingle siding:

  1. Use a pressure washer or garden hose to wet the siding first. Be careful so as not to use an excessive amount of pressure as this can harm the wood.
  2. Follow the directions on the label of the mild detergent to mix it with water in a bucket.
  3. Scrub the shingle marks gently using the soft-bristled brush in the detergent solution. To avoid letting the solution dry on the wood, work in small sections.
  4. Use a pressure washer or garden hose to rinse the section of siding, working your way down from the top.
  5. Steps 3 and 4 should be repeated until all the shingle marks are removed.
  6. Rinse the entire area with clean water to remove any remaining detergent after you have finished cleaning the shingle marks.
  7. Before applying any finishes or treatments, let the wood completely air dry.

When cleaning wooden shingle siding, remember to always wear protective gloves and eye protection, and test any cleaning solutions on a small, obscure area of the siding before applying them to a larger area.

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